Thank you for joining us for the 2022 Summer Conference! Please take a moment to complete the conference survey in order to help improve our future offerings! Which format of the conference did you attend? * In-person in NY Online via Zoom and Recording How did you hear about the conference? * Friend Social Media Ad Email Other What worked well and what could have been better with conference advertising? What worked well and what could have been better with the registration process? What worked well and what could have been better with the form of the conference (schedule, timing, length, etc.)? What worked well and what could have been better with the content of the conference (speakers, workshops, discussions, movement, etc.)? What worked well and what could have been better with using with the platform (using the website, zoom, pre-recorded videos)for the conference? What worked well and didn't work in regards to the location of the in-person conference? Where would you like to see the conference held in the future? Please give your wishes and suggestions for the World Association of Puppetry and Storytelling Arts. Please give your wishes and suggestions for the next annual summer conference. WAPASA is always looking for volunteers! Please leave your information below if you would like to get involved! Provide name. email, phone, areas you'd like to help in (administrative, social media, fundraising...etc), any special skills/talents you feel may be useful to WAPASA Please type any additional comments in the space below. Thank you so much for your feedback! 2022 Conference Survey