Our 2022 Summer Conference is over. Thank you to all that joined us both in-person and online. We are so grateful for those who joined and helped us create a magical experience.

More news and updates will be coming in the winter journal.


Virtual Program

ON-LINE CONFERENCE HOSTS - Connie Manson and Mindy Upton

Connie and Mindy will be featuring on-line discussion and workshops with focus on community outreach through performance art that can travel! 

Performance in the Park ~ and Bringing it Home - with Connie Manson

The Traveling Theater - Suitcase Performance  with Mindy Upton


On-line conference participants will have the opportunity to participate in live zoom discussions and workshops as well as have access to recorded sessions and performances that can be viewed at their leisure. New recorded offerings will be uploaded each day from the performances and movement sessions that are presented at the live conference. 

(The 24 hour delay allows us to ensure good visual and audio quality.)

Key note by Philipp Reubke

Leading Conference Thoughts - An audio recording of discussion presentations

Daily movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami - 3 sessions

Performances ~

Hambekahle ~ A tale from South Africa performed in silk marionette theatre brought by The Magical Puppet Tree Associates

Kaytek the Wizard ~ featuring the tale by Janusz Korczak - a multi-media puppet show presented by Brian Hull and Mary Tanner

A Puppetry Cabaret

 ~ with the Story Apron Presentation of “The Barnyard” by Jennifer Aguirre 

~ Kasperle by Marjorie Rehbach 

~ The Raven Steals the Sun, by Mindy Upton

 ~ and a Special Guest accompanying Brian Hull

Enchanted Waters ~ A Collaborative Arts Performance 

(All offerings are on East Coast USA time)

Thursday July 28th
7pm ~ Welcome with Mindy Upton and Connie Manson
7:30pm ~ Key note talk ~ Philipp Reubke 
8:30pm ~ Puppet Presentation Hambekahle 

Friday July 29th  Available Recording: Movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami
10am ~ On-line Conference Theme - Wisdom, Wonder, and Enchantment Discussion led by Mindy Upton and Nancy Mellon ZOOM
11- 1pm ~ Workshop with Mindy Upton - The Traveling Theater - Suitcase Performance ZOOM platform
Lunch break
2 - 4pm ~ Workshop with Mindy Upton - The Traveling Theater - Suitcase Performance ZOOM platform

Saturday July 30th  Available Recording: Movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami, and the performance of Kaytek the Wizard

10am ~ On-line Conference Theme - Wisdom, Wonder, and Enchantment Discussion led by Connie Manson and Marjorie Rehbach ZOOM
11- 1pm ~ Workshop with Connie Manson - Performance in the Park ~ and Bringing it Home ZOOM platform
Lunch break
2 - 4pm ~ Workshop with Connie Manson - Performance in the Park ~ and Bringing it Home ZOOM platform

Sunday July 31st  Available Recording: Movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami, and the Puppetry Cabaret Performances
10am - 12pm ~ Plenum Sharing of Workshop Artistry and Closing discussion on Conference Theme Wisdom, Wonder, and Enchantment ~ hosted by Mindy and Connie ZOOM platform

Post Conference Recordings available to participants include the above sessions as well as the performance of Enchanted Waters and the audio recorded leading thoughts