Our 2022 Summer Conference is over. Thank you to all that joined us both in-person and online. We are so grateful for those who joined and helped us create a magical experience.

More news and updates will be coming in the winter journal.


Summer Collaborative Arts Conference
Periphery Within Center
In-Person Conference Schedule

Thursday July 28th

3-6 pm ~ WELCOME! Arrivals, Registration, Orientation - In the Hawthorne Valley Kindergarten
7pm ~ Opening Welcome
7:30pm ~ Key note talk ~ Philipp Reubke 
8:30pm ~ Puppet Presentation Hambekahle 

Friday July 29th
8:30am ~ Morning Movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami
9:30am ~ Wisdom, Wonder, and Enchantment: Exploration of Conference Theme Presentation and Discussion (Nancy Mellon and Janene Ping) 
10:15 ~ Break
10:45am ~ Workshop 1 Silk Marionette Construction / Workshop 2 Elemental Movement in Performance Art
1pm ~ Lunch
2pm ~ Workshop 1 Silk Marionette Construction / Workshop 2 Elemental Movement in Performance Art
4pm ~ Break for travel to Hudson/Dinner
6pm ~ Hudson Opera House - Kaytek the Wizard Performance by Brian Hull and Mary Tanner Reception to Follow

Saturday July 30th 

8:30am ~ Morning Movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami
9:30am ~ Wisdom, Wonder, and Enchantment: Exploration of Conference Theme Presentation and Discussion (Nancy Mellon and Janene Ping) 
10:15am ~ Break
10:45am ~ Workshop 1 Silk Marionette Construction / Workshop 3 Colored Light and Shadow
1pm ~ Lunch
2pm ~ Workshop 1 Silk Marionette Construction / Workshop 3 Colored Light and Shadow
4pm ~ Break
4:30pm ~ Collaborative Performance Arts Practice ~ Specialization in Colored Light/Shadow, Elemental Movement, or Marionette/Rod Puppetry Work
6:00pm ~ Dinner

7:00 pm ~ A Puppetry Cabaret

 ~ with the Story Apron Presentation of “The Barnyard” by Jennifer Aguirre 
~ Kasperle by Marjorie Rehbach 
~ The Raven Steals the Sun, by Mindy Upton
~ and a Special Guest!

Sunday July 31st
8:30am ~ Morning Movement with Oxana Chi and Layla Zami
9:30am ~ Wisdom, Wonder, and Enchantment - Exploration of Conference Theme Presentation and Discussion (Nancy Mellon, Janene Ping) 
10:15am ~ Break
10:45am ~ Collaborative Performance Art ~ Rehearsal
1pm ~ Lunch / WAPASA Marketplace open! (See below)
2pm ~ Collaborative Presentation ~ Hambekahle and the Enchanted Waters
3pm ~ Conference Closing 


Sunday July 31st 1 - 4pm

Puppet materials and artistic creations will be on sale during this time. Conference participants are invited to bring wares to the table as well as to purchase beautiful silks and hand crafted items. A 10% proceed from all sales will help to cover our conference costs.

Workshops 1 and 2 ~ The Marionette: Creation and Movement

Workshop Leader: Jennifer Aguirre

Participants will assemble and complete a silk marionette of African cultural reference that has been prepared in kit form for the story of Enchanted Waters to be taken home with them after the conference.

Workshop 3 ~ An Artistic Exploration of Elements

Workshop Leaders: Janene Ping , Oxana Chi and Layla Zami

Through movement of our own bodies and manipulation of silk and props we will explore the gesture of water, air and earth as enrichment of performance imagery.

Workshop 4 ~ Mixed Media Imagery - Color, Light, and Shadow

Workshop Leader- Brian Hull

In this workshop, we explore the endless possibilities in creating a shadow play with light and color; inspired by the Swazi tale "Enchanted Waters". 

The power inherent in storytelling with the shadow play is that it can suggest and lead, creating pictures that become personal to each viewer; and does not exist without the art created by the puppeteer as the story unfolds. 

 All supplies are included.